Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Loyakk Is Creating Business Solutions With A Decentralized Economy

The goal of Loyakk is to change how businesses offer value within a decentralized environment. They are offering a solution to vulnerabilities in privacy, security, inefficient tasks, and disputes by using a platform they call the Vega Business Relationship platform. This platform is currently patent pending. It is designed for interaction and engagement between businesses. The blockchain technology behind it will offer communication services, the sharing of data, and other features. This is accomplished by using smart contracts that are created on the blockchain. Some current customers of Loyakk include Abbott Labs, SAP, Mphasis, and Novartis.
The main platform that is patent pending uses a nested blockchain structure. Moving and sharing of data between parties is based on a set of rules and identity using the proprietary consensus technology. The Vega platform also allows for a set of industry specific blockchain applications to be deployed and configured.
The Loyakk platform is transformative to the industry due to several factors. The collaboration between people in the ecosystem is seamless. This includes the customers, vendors, distributors, partners, and organizations. There is consistency in the way data is shared and accessed across the whole ecosystem. Also, the asset movement between parties both globally and locally occurs accurately and quickly. Additionally, smart contracts allow for faster decision making and automated processes.
The secure transmission of data is of the upmost importance. Data access needs to be consistent, verifiable, and indisputable. The Vega platform can support cross application data workflows across the whole blockchain. Business processes are aligned to the data workflows so that the correct data is shared securely within the correct legal agreements, contexts, and business rules. Each party has the ability to track and control access to their data.
Business relationships are very important to any collaboration. The Vega platform ensures that there are smooth and frictionless interactions and management between all parties involved. Using data on blockchain minimizes any disputes that may occur and allows for fast resolution. Current systems are outdated, slow, chaotic, and often unsecure. The Vega platform creates Value Webs which are absolutely secure, partitioned, decentralized, and have seamless data movement. There are flexible blockchain areas in the Value Webs of the Loyakk platform.
There is a token associated with the Loyakk platform. This will serve multiple functions within the platform. Anyone who uses the platform will need these tokens to perform any service or interaction. This token is able to carry data by following a set of rules. One feature of the token is the setting of permissions. This allows for only the authorized recipient to see the data. Permission rules can be applied to an individual or a whole company. The token also allows for standardization. This is important for smooth transfers and interactions across the whole network. The token is also responsible for creating and following the set of rules that determine how data is processed, updated, and used. These rules can be based on location, identity, user behavior, or relationships. The rules ensure all transactions confirm to regulations and agreements. There are many great uses for this technology that can benefit companies. To read more about Loyakk, there are a few links listed at the bottom of this article.
My bitcointalk profile:;u=1103736


Composite Cylinders Advanced is the world's first financial investment blockchain project that combines advanced technologies in the field of finance and one of the most highly demanded products in the world market of industrial cylinders of type 4 for CNG, LPG and industrial gases from modern composite materials.
The aim of the project is to raise funds for the production of high and low pressure cylinders in the Czech Republic in accordance with the requirements of ECE R110:2013, ISO 11439, ADR / RID: 2013, ISO 11119-3 using high-strength carbon fibers and advanced polymer materials.
Decentralized direct investment in the project will be through the purchase of tokens. It is the "decentralization" of tokens that should ensure the independence of the project.
The rationale of the project is to develop and create production of ultralight, composite gas cylinders of type 4, surpassing the existing analogues in terms of technical parameters, competitive at cost, technological for assembly in batch production.
First of all, we are talking about a project with a quick payback, moderate risks and a strong background of professional experience. The team of the project has expertise and experience in the field of design and construction of composite materials and has everything necessary for the implementation of the project.
ССА emit own cryptocurrency instead of attracting traditional venture capital
Our project is more than just manufacture of composite cylinders. It is aimed at creation and distribution of their production technology through developing a network of composite cylinders production complexes around the world together with local partners.
It is limited expansion of this technology which causes high prices for type 4 composite cylinders and is a stop-factor blocking their promotion in the market and replacement of metal cylinders.
Using the blockchain and own cryptocurrency we give holders of our tokens a unique opportunity to gain access to this high technology. Each holder of CCA tokens will be able to convert them into shares of local composite cylinders production complexes which will be located all over the world near the main markets.
In addition, it will be possible to exchange our tokens for the composite cylinders themselves or to present them for buy-back in accordance with the terms of the smart contract.
Thus, our offer is open and irrevocable for all ICO participants which is impossible within the framework of standard capital instruments in the corporate finance market.
Buy-back mechanism
Mechanism of buy-back of tokens is described in details in White Paper of the project which can be read on the website. Every month 30 % of the revenue will be directed through smart contract to buy-back of distributed at ICO tokens. When doing so tokens will be eliminated.
As a result, such a policy will lead to reduction of coins amount in circulation, thus ensuring permanent rise in their value. This represents a principally new approach in regard to ICO which is honest and understandible for investors to the maximum extent.



Timur Akhiyarov - CEO


Aleksandr Leontiev - PRODUCTION MANAGER

Viktor Goryachev - DESIGN MANAGER

Aynur Motigullin - ENGINEER

John Phillip Neumann - Advisors

Franco Treppo - Advisors

Vladimir Smirnov - Advisors

  • 3Q 2017 Pembentukan
    tim, pengembangan Whitepaper, persiapan penggoda, persetujuan 
    struktur keuangan proyek .
  • 4Q 2017
    Pra-penjualan dengan diskon 
    pengembangan Smart-Contract, token sale dengan harga diskon.
  • 1Q 2018
    Membangun infrastruktur yang diperlukan, token sale dengan harga penuh.
  • 2Q 2018
    Rekayasa, produksi, persiapan dan commissioning peralatan, prototyping.
  • 3Q 2018
    Mulai produksi dan sertifikasi silinder.
  • 4Q 2018
    Kontrak penjualan dan pengiriman silinder mulai ke pelanggan.
  • 1Q 2019
    Token kembali membeli atau bertukar.
  • 1H 2021
    Memasuki pasar Amerika Utara 
    Memasuki pasar Asia
  • BTT :;u=1103736

ICO Bitcoinus

Terobosan mengenai teknologi blockchain pada prinsipnya mengubah pemahaman akan uang sebagai metode pembayaran tradisional. Berbagai kripto berbasis blockchain telah mulai mengganggu banyak area dari perbankan tradisional, sampai ke pemrosesan pembayaran online. Di sinilah Bitcoinus masuk.
Sebuah visi yang telah mengilhami tim pengembang untuk menerbitkan Bitcoinus yang berasal dari dinamika pasar Criptocurrency. Penerimaan yang terus meningkat setara dengan ekosistem finansial global. Unit e-commerce dari jenis dan skala apa pun akan mulai menerapkan teknologi pembayaran berbasis blockchain. Ini akan membutuhkan penyedia layanan pemrosesan pembayaran yang inovatif namun aman dan luas.
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Bitcoinus berdiri dan memimpin evolusi pembayaran kripto yang fokus pada proses bisnis B2B yang nyata dan akan diciptakan kembali sesuai dengan kebutuhan pasar global. Inilah arah yang telah dipilih Bitcoinus.
  1. Top 100 Coins
    Bitcoinus tentunya akan melakukan pengembangan platform bagi pemrosesan kripto B2B yang berorientasi pada bisnis secara efektif. Pengembangan platform Bitcoinus pada tahap pertama tentunya akan mengintegrasikan 100 kripto yang paling banyak digunakan dan terpercaya.
  2. Blockchain Berdasarkan KYC
    Begitu banyaknya risiko yang akan di hadapi dalam hal pembayaran online. Sejumlah besar skema phishing dan penipuan lainnya dapat dilakukan dengan mudah. Bitcoinus secara harfiah akan menonaktifkan risiko semacam ini karena standar KYC yang canggih dan harus dipatuhi agar bisa menjadi klien bisnis. Meminimalkan biaya layanan dan umumnya membuat layanan Bitcoinus terjangkau bahkan untuk yang terkecil sekalipun. Bitcoinus akan menerapkan KYC berbasis blockchain untuk memastikan keandalan distribusi informasi yang maksimal.
  3. Solusi Pembayaran Global Untuk E-Commerce
    Pembangunan platform yang akan memungkinkan memiliki transaksi kripto yang sangat cepat. Dimana, pada saat ini kecepatan transaksi rendah dan biayanya tinggi tidak dapat digunakan pada kebanyakan bisnis e-commerce. Bitcoinus akan mengubah cara transaksi berinteraksi dalam sistem internal karena algoritma kompleks yang memungkinkan operasi tertentu dilakukan sebelum diunggah ke blockchain. Namun akan tetap aman dan terpercaya sebagaimana mestinya. Platform ini memungkinkan pedagang untuk menerima dana dalam waktu hingga 2 detik. Untuk semua bisnis global, sangat penting untuk bisa mengumpulkan semua dana secepat mungkin. Platform Bitcoinus akan mengurangi waktu menerima dana dari hari atau minggu sampai beberapa detik.
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  1. Revolusi Biaya Transaksi
0,5% biaya yang di kenakan oleh platform Bitcoinus, komisi atas semua transaksi. Rendahnya harga transaksi melakukan dua peran penting:
  1. Alternatif biaya yang efektif bagi penyedia layanan perbankan tradisional serta penyedia layanan pembayaran lainnya untuk semua jenis bisnis berbasis online.
  2. Mendorong bisnis menyesuaikan mata uang kripto dengan lebih efektif.
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  1. Algoritma Transaksi
    Algoritma pembelian khas dari setiap produk yang menggunakan alat e-commerce:
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  2. Sistem Reputasi Merchant
Merchant rating akan di perkenalkan di dalam sistem platform Bitcoinus. Ini tentunya berlaku untuk semua klien yang menjual apapun di manapun. Secara umum, bahwa semua pembeli dapat melakuka penilai terhadap semua penjual yang akan menggunakan platform Bitcoinus. Bitcoinus akan memantau transaksi dan semua generasi umpan balik dengan hati-hati untuk menjaga transparansi yang tinggi dari semua operasi terkait Cryptocurrency.
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Strategi bisnis Bitcoinus dirancang untuk menjangkau sebagian besar unit bisnis e-commerce dan memungkinkan potensi dalam industri pembayaran baru yang terdesentralisasi. Komisi 0.5% untuk transaksi sudah menjadi poin penting untuk dibuat saat berbicara tentang bisnis dan bahkan persaingan. Dimana biaya dan efisiensi rendah selalu merupakan faktor yang disorot.Bitcoinus juga akan memastikan kualitas transaksi dalam hal kecepatan, efektivitas dan ketersediaan usaha.

  1. Pengaruh Jaringan
    Platform Bitcoinus dalam melakukan strategi pengembangan bisnis tidak hanya menyebar secepat mungkin secara teknis namun juga pada pengembangan sistem kepercayaan dan reputasi yang akan memberdayakan ekspansi Bitcoinus melalui umpan balik langsung dan perbaikan terus-menerus. Mendidik klien yang baru terbentuk, hal ini tentunya sangat penting. Tidak semua bisnis sepenuhnya menyadari manfaat teknologi blockchain. Bitcoinus akan memastikan informasi dan keuntungan ini dikomunikasikan secara baik.
  2. Manfaat Untuk Bits Token Holders
  1. 0% biaya transaksi pedagang saat pembayaran dilakukan di BITS
  2. Menerapkan sistem reputasi pedagang untuk memastikan transaksi aman.
  3. Penjualan sepanjang musim dari sebagian besar mitra ritel Bitcoinus
  4. Likuiditas maksimum token BITS yang dijamin dengan perdagangan di semua bursa utama
  5. Tokoh tim Bitcoinus terkunci selama 12 bulan - tidak ada manipulasi pasar
  6. Pertumbuhan industri kripto online berkembang pesat dalam perkembangan eksponensial
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  1. Smart Contracts dan Token BITS
Token BITS dikembangkan dengan menggunakan standar token ERC20.
Sebanyak 65 juta token Bitcoinus (BITS) akan dibuat.
Calon peserta yang bersedia mendukung pengembangan Proyek Bitcoinus dapat melakukannya dengan mengirimkan Ethereum ke alamat yang ditunjuk melalui website
Peserta membeli token Bitcoinus (BITS) dengan tarif 1 BITS per 0.001 ETH

  1. Rincian Crowdsale
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Token Bitcoinus akan tersedia di bursa utama mulai tanggal 1 Juni.
Jumlah : 65 000 000
Token Untuk di Jual :50 000 000
Simbol: BITS
Soft Cap: 3 000 000
Hard Cap: 50 000 000
Crowdsale Mulai: 15 Januari 2018
Crowdsale Berakhir 10 Mei 2018

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Company number: 11141904
Registration address:
3 New Concordia Wharf, SE1 2BB, London, United Kingdom

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Join the Bitcoinus Bounty Campaign on Bountyhive!

ETH : 0x472d1DdfFB017E9EBBB4B6d0d4e1296Af14bD703
Profil BTT :;u=1103736


I must confess something to all of you. I so much love the times we are living in and think that these are the best times in the history of the human race. I know that media is bombing us with bad news, hunger, poverty, and wars 24/7. Presenting world like the apocalypse is coming tomorrow and everything is bad and negative, but when you stop for a minute, analyze, think about it, and see the whole picture you will see that undeniably - We are living in the best times ever!
For me, it is enough to enter in my Lambo and start the engine to prove to myself that there was newer better time to be alive than the present one.
Hmm... Well, to confess you one more thing, the truth is that I don't have a Lambo, but with a little bit of help from HELBIZ I am sure that I will be driving one soon. Now let me tell you how.
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HELBIZ is based on the simple idea, using the power of blockchain technology to revolutionize wheel sharing worldwide in a peer to peer manner. His predecessors, companies like Uber or Airbnb, laid the foundations for HELBIZ, and he is now taking us even one step further.. With this project sharing cars with other people on HELBIZ platform will be done in an easiest possible way. You will use your smartphone as a car key for the selected vehicle, unlock it and start the engine with it. Thanks to blockchain technology whole process will be safe and transparent for all users of HELBIZ services around the globe, and the price of renting a car will be much more affordable when compared to classic rent a car company.
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There is one more exciting part of this project waiting for us in the future. HELBIZ mobile system platform is developed with the intention of allowing other companies interested in improving its business, to build blockchain based decentralized applications on it. This will bring several benefits to all companies using the mobile system platform in the future and make their businesses more competitive.
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There is an old saying well known in investors and entrepreneurs circles telling that: "Projects that you can explain in less than a minute are usually successful ones." Based on this short intro video HELBIZ is the one of those.
Talking about best times in history, with HELBIZ you will be rewarded just for driving your car. This important segment of HELBIZ platform will allow users to change their driving data for different rewards and travel services. This great idea of returning data into hands of its real owners, rather than leaving it to some big company is giving all of us the opportunity to earn on our data. It is calculated that just one individual creates more than $2000 worth data every year, but does not get anything from that amount. With a rise of blockchain technology this is rapidly changing in all segments of life and business, and now thanks to HELBIZ the same thing is happening with driving data.
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HELBIZ platform will be fueled by Ethereum based Helbiz Coin (HBZ). He is developed as the perfect solution for international wheel sharing business. Users of the platform all over the world will have fast and reliable independent payment solution with the same value in every county. All payments same as rewards for users of the platform will be executed trou Helbiz Coin. The HBZ coin will be tradable with all major cryptocurrencies directly on the platform, plus there will also be integrated HELBIZ wallet provided for safe storage. Pre Sale of tokens started a few days ago through ICO process on HELBIZ WEBSITE.
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You can check basic token metrics in this table, and I will write more about HELBIZ business system, the team developing this project and token economy in the second part of this article.
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Can't wait for HELBIZ project to be fully developed so I can sit in my Lambo and start the engine.

BTT :;u=1103736

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

THRIVE: The Decentralized Ad Marketplace for Your Brand

Why do brands advertise? Well, it is a strong part of the overall brand. If you look at the ad of a Top brand and average brand, you will know the difference. The Global spending on the ads is on the rise. With the introduction of mobile and internet, it has found a new life. Large-scale use of mobile has pushed the advertisers to bring their ads onto the mobile. The spending on mobile internet advertising is estimated to be 247 billion dollars by 2020. But, a different kind of problem exists in this space. Premium brands are now worried about the placement of their ads. Recent examples show that many brands had to pull out their advertising because it was published next to some inappropriate and distressing content.
The premium brands are now sceptical about the placement of their ads in digital advertising. After spending billions of dollars on the digital advertising, they must not bring negative sentiments about the product which damage the brand reputation and safety. The transparency in the digital advertising space is a major concern for all the brands.
Do you think a solution can be generated for the brands, where they can have a larger control over their ads? If they are ready to spend money for a positive vibe around a product then placement should not be the reason they should feel sorry about.
Solution offered
THRIVE offers a decentralised Ad marketplace for premium brands to display their ads in a way they like and on the content they feel will complement their brands. They wish to build a meritocratic and community-based ad marketplace. The key participants in the THRIVE ad ecosystem are advertisers, publishers, reviewers and consumers.
They are the backbone of the platform and deliver the strength to the platform. They are already one of the top digital advertising companies in Italy offering a variety of digital solution to the clients. This time, they wish to leverage the power of blockchain technology to create a decentralise marketplace. Reviewers will review the content of the publishers, which satisfies the premium quality of the market. Brands will be confident about their ads placement with top content.
Consumers and reviewers are being rewarded for their services offered. Quite a few top features of the platform are that the Ads Displayed on the platform are based on the community consensus and the rewards are based on the meritocracy of the services.
ICO information & Team (
The THRT token sale will be conducted to find support from the community and businesses, who think that this model will survive the test of the time. 53% of total tokens will be used for the Public sale. A proper KYC/AML verification process occurs before participation. One THRT Toke is equal to the 0.25 EUR.
While 57% of the funds collected will be allocated for the research, administrative expenses, new hidings and infrastructure, 22% will be used for the marketing purposes. The team has been performing brilliant digital marketing strategy for top brands in Italy. They are marketing experts, entrepreneurs, business managers having extensive experience in the field of digital advertising.
Digital is the future of marketing but creating a balance between the kind of content and kind of ads is one of the core features of advertising. Apple advertises its products like there is nothing else to look for in the market except apple. Likewise, if you see an ad of Mercedes Benz, you realize the difference between other companies and Mercedes. It's all about perception in the minds of people created by a strong advertising.
If we have to bring the equilibrium between content and ads, it has to be a decentralised approach which is based on the community consensus. People are the best judge and giving them the power to rule is the best thing we can do. Thus, creating a model which incentivises people for reviewing quality and premium ads with contextual content is one of the best solutions.
To know more visit:
Published By:;u=1103736

COINVEST — A Centralized Platform For Crypto Eyes

Coinvest allows you to trade with one coin in the crypto world. The hat allows coinvest to be the first centralized platform that provides such services to the crypto world. In general, Coinvest is a new method to invest in cryptoasset.
In this case the user can actually invest on criptoasset without the need for an exchange, the presence of some wallets or a centralized third party.
Coinvest also has a number of special advantages over funds and other crypto currency exchanges. One example is, there is no interaction with third parties and no verification of KYC / AML. Coinvest also has short selling and other excellent functions.

In this case coinvest reward to anyone who follow bounty campaign. Coinvest provides 300,000 COIN for this bounty campaign. Distribution will be shared, the pebagian is as follows :
Campaigns on social networks: 40% (120,000 tokens)
Signature and Avatar: 20% (60,000 tokens)
Communication Campaign: 15% (45,000 tokens)
Content campaign: 10% (30,000 tokens)
Reward to find bugs: 15% (45,000 tokens)
Complete payout for bounties (token distribution) will be made no later than two weeks after the end of crowdsdale. Bounty will be divided among participants according to their number of stakeholders. Users must have ETH ERC20 wallet to receive COIN marks.

The total number of pools is 300,000 COINs. If the Coinvest crowdsale does not achieve the minimum goal of 1M USD (3,333 ETH), all COIN tokens will automatically be destroyed by the smart contract, and the bounty will be considered invalid.
After crowdsdale, bet data will be calculated and distributed according to the following schedule :
First quarter after crowdsdale end — 25%
Second quarter after crowdsdale end — 25%
Third quarter after crowdsdale end — 25%
Fourth quarter after crowdsdale end — 25%
Such a payment system is created as a protection against COIN depreciation, preventing mass sales when COIN enters the stock exchange. It also ensures that bonus participants have a good chance to monitor the company’s development during the first year.
RUMUS: Formula (Number of Bounty tokens / Bounty bet amount) stake
For example, if you participate in a bounty campaign on social media and get 50 stakeholders, and the bet amount is 2364 bets, how to calculate it is as follows :
(120,000 coins / 2364 bids) * 50 bets = 2538 COIN
In general, Coinvest is a new method to invest in crypto assets. Users can actually invest in crypto assets without the need for exchange, the presence of some wallets or a centralized third party.

Coinvest notifies ICO to be held on November 10, 2017. They want to collect $ 30 million in COU to finance the development platform. ICO begins on December 11, 2017. I think this is a good project and has a good future. In addition, this project will generate huge profits.
To make the reader better understand what COINVEST is. So we will include some links that can support readers to be more understanding in understanding this content.

Bitcointalk My profile :;u=1103736