Dalam artikel terbaru ini, kita admin ingin menulis tentang Ico.Platform baru menurut kami sangat mengesankan.Karena selain konsep dan pelayanannya yang sangat bagus juga karena ini didorong oleh tim yang sangat kompeten.Sususan dari timnya adalah kompatibel dengan tugas yang ditugaskan ke setiap anggota timnya.
Tanpa terlalu banyak memimpin, lebih baik kita mulai meninjau proyek terbaru ini. Aplikasi Storage Crypto dari Jerman disebut Savedroid meluncurkan ICO. Perusahaan dari Frankfurt ingin membuat kriptocurrency dapat diakses oleh konsumen rata-rata dan membantu pengguna dengan penghematan.
The Frankfurt-based company wants to make it easy for ordinary users, not crypto experts, to store crypto around it as easily as possible. Saving donations must be made in Bitcoin or Ethereum. So, let's say if your grandmother has a smartphone then can easily save the crypto assets with this service. Like the piggy bank Mbah Semar when we were small first.
What is Savedroid?
Savedroid is an app for Android and Apple smartphones that can be downloaded on the PlayStore or App Store. Once an account is created, either by email, Facebook or Google, the application asks for a bank account. To connect user accounts with a checking account, the login information for the online banking application is revealed. In the course of GTC confirmation, direct SEPA debit mkamut is also issued which allows AG Savedroid to collect money from the account and make it for the user.
The pre-determined amount now, when a rule is met, is deducted from the bank account and credited to the wallet. Everything happens after the if-then logic. For example, if the phone detects that you have walked 5 km rather than bringing the car, you will save 5 € automatically. This savings rule is called Savedroid "smooves".
Some examples of smoove are:
- Whenever you have a financial margin in a bank account.
- Each time your account balance changes, the amount will be rounded and invested.
- If you turn on the phone screen 50 times.
- Every time you use a handheld app, e.g. Facebook is taking too long.
- If you walk instead of driving a car.
- If you are riding a certain distance bike.
- So it's easy for the user to save for things without having to login every time in his account and transfer to a savings account. Money boxes can also be deleted.
Another trick is a proposal for a new utility contract. As a partner enter here Check24, Drillisch and Freenet. Whenever the app detects that money can be saved at one point, it is suggested to the user. After signing the contract, the amount saved will be credited to the wallet.
So far, over 200,000 people use the Spar app on Android or iOS devices. This app is absolutely free and offers TÜV certified savings and data protection insurance at the online banking level.
ICO to be held
The company plans an ICO between January 12 and March 9, 2018. In the period between January 12 and January 26, 2018, there will be pre-sale bonuses of 30%. The tokens will cost € 1. Of the 100,000,000 tokens produced, 60,000,000 are sold. Therefore hardcap is 60 million euros.
In pre-sales, up to 5% of the mass is sold, then the primary sale begins. All tokens, which are not for sale, are burned and therefore no longer usable. Teams, investors and holds receive 15% of tokens. The icon will be SVD. So far no white paper has been published.
The team wants to make up for it by the end of this week. Instead, one pager should tell potential investors about the project so far. A reward campaign, an investor recruitment program, has not been released.
How to Buy an SVD Token?
If you want to buy and invest in this Savedroid project, we will provide guidance on how to buy it. We get this step by sari from an article written by a team from Savedroid. Here are some steps:
- Open ICO website ico.savedroid.com and click login in the top right corner.
- Now you will see a page that says " Register New Account ". Fill in your email and strong password.

- Next, you must verify your email address. Check your email inbox and look for verification links. If you do not find it, look in the spam folder who knows it's there.
- After logging in, you'll see some information about the number of SVD tokens you have, payment options, and some info about bounty programs.
- Choose the payment method you want from the top right menu: Ether, Bitcoin, credit card, transfer of SOFORT Clause (available in certain countries only) or bank transfer (available in certain countries only).
- Now you will see SVD Buy screen.
- On the left, you can enter the number of ether, bitcoin, etc. you want to pay.
- On the right, type the number of SVDs you want to buy.
- At the bottom, you'll see the SVD bonus amount you'll get when you purchase during pre-sales.
- Bergantung pada pilihan pembayaran, Anda harus memberikan beberapa rincian lainnya, seperti alamat dompet atau rincian kartu kredit
- Periksa dan terima persyaratan lalu tekan tombol kirim
- Sekarang Anda bisa melihat di kiri atas berapa banyak SVD yang Anda miliki, serta semua transaksi yang Anda lakukan.
- Setelah memproses transaksi, Tim Savedroid akan mengarahkan SVD Anda dan mengirimkannya ke dompet Anda. Ini mungkin memakan waktu beberapa hari tergantung pada jumlah transaksi. Tim Savedroid mungkin harus meminta Anda untuk memberikan bukti identitas lebih lanjut karena peraturan pencucian uang bergantung.
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Playstore BTT : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1103736 |
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