Composite Cylinders Advanced is the world's first financial investment blockchain project that combines advanced technologies in the field of finance and one of the most highly demanded products in the world market of industrial cylinders of type 4 for CNG, LPG and industrial gases from modern composite materials.
The aim of the project is to raise funds for the production of high and low pressure cylinders in the Czech Republic in accordance with the requirements of ECE R110:2013, ISO 11439, ADR / RID: 2013, ISO 11119-3 using high-strength carbon fibers and advanced polymer materials.
Decentralized direct investment in the project will be through the purchase of tokens. It is the "decentralization" of tokens that should ensure the independence of the project.
The rationale of the project is to develop and create production of ultralight, composite gas cylinders of type 4, surpassing the existing analogues in terms of technical parameters, competitive at cost, technological for assembly in batch production.
First of all, we are talking about a project with a quick payback, moderate risks and a strong background of professional experience. The team of the project has expertise and experience in the field of design and construction of composite materials and has everything necessary for the implementation of the project.
ССА emit own cryptocurrency instead of attracting traditional venture capital
Our project is more than just manufacture of composite cylinders. It is aimed at creation and distribution of their production technology through developing a network of composite cylinders production complexes around the world together with local partners.
It is limited expansion of this technology which causes high prices for type 4 composite cylinders and is a stop-factor blocking their promotion in the market and replacement of metal cylinders.
Using the blockchain and own cryptocurrency we give holders of our tokens a unique opportunity to gain access to this high technology. Each holder of CCA tokens will be able to convert them into shares of local composite cylinders production complexes which will be located all over the world near the main markets.
In addition, it will be possible to exchange our tokens for the composite cylinders themselves or to present them for buy-back in accordance with the terms of the smart contract.
Thus, our offer is open and irrevocable for all ICO participants which is impossible within the framework of standard capital instruments in the corporate finance market.
Buy-back mechanism
Mechanism of buy-back of tokens is described in details in White Paper of the project which can be read on the website. Every month 30 % of the revenue will be directed through smart contract to buy-back of distributed at ICO tokens. When doing so tokens will be eliminated.
As a result, such a policy will lead to reduction of coins amount in circulation, thus ensuring permanent rise in their value. This represents a principally new approach in regard to ICO which is honest and understandible for investors to the maximum extent.

Timur Akhiyarov - CEO
Aleksandr Leontiev - PRODUCTION MANAGER
Viktor Goryachev - DESIGN MANAGER
Aynur Motigullin - ENGINEER
John Phillip Neumann - Advisors
Franco Treppo - Advisors
Vladimir Smirnov - Advisors
- 3Q 2017 Pembentukantim, pengembangan Whitepaper, persiapan penggoda, persetujuanstruktur keuangan proyek .
- 4Q 2017Pra-penjualan dengan diskonpengembangan Smart-Contract, token sale dengan harga diskon.
- 1Q 2018SaleMembangun infrastruktur yang diperlukan, token sale dengan harga penuh.
- 2Q 2018Rekayasa, produksi, persiapan dan commissioning peralatan, prototyping.
- 3Q 2018Mulai produksi dan sertifikasi silinder.
- 4Q 2018Kontrak penjualan dan pengiriman silinder mulai ke pelanggan.
- 1Q 2019Token kembali membeli atau bertukar.
- 1H 2021Memasuki pasar Amerika UtaraMemasuki pasar Asia
- BTT : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1103736
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