PayPro is a decentralized banking entity designed to control a new ecosystem where the amount is represented in new ways thanks to Smart Contracts. In this way, PayPro is a decentralized financial marketplace where any dApp can post its services. We are also developing a wallet where the user can deposit crypto coins and any ERC-20 token.
Once you have built PayPro, a customer can store ETH, BTC or GAS, for example, and can use the market to invest in a large financing platform, for example. Equally, the shares obtained from that investment in the form of tokens will also be stored in PayPro. Consequently, all cryptoactives and liabilities of the same individual will be represented in PayPro.
The problem.
The biggest problem for conventional banks, as evidenced by the international recession of 2007-2008, is that by having all the information, consumers are not able to make very objective decisions. For this reason, it is customary to say that the focus of their relationship with banking institutions is not the customer, but the bank itself.
If the so-called neo-banks, whether they are already built in the chain of blocks or over APIs, although it is true that there is a growing number of neo-banks, have not yet managed to avoid the biggest problem with banks: the centralization of services. The centralisation of any form of centralisation always reduces the results of the services offered, since the supplier will always have more information than the market.
The solution
Therefore, we have established a funding market in which any dApp has the ability to offer its financial services and any user can use them as well as rate them. This Valuation System shall be the reference part as provided:
Transparency: Each user is encouraged to rate a dApp after use. In this way, the user can help provide a rating so that other users who want to use the dApp know whether or not it meets their expectations.
Loyalty: Consumers will be honored for qualifying dApps.
Greater competition: suppliers that participate in the market by offering their services can achieve a second source of revenue through our pricing system. In this way, our main objective is to incorporate more dApps as possible; the more dApps there are for the market, the more competition, which will ultimately lead providers to fight for the quality of their services.
Enhanced Services: System performance is produced so that ratings drop over time, and dApps are required to stay high at all times.
The Product
We are aware that PayPro's main functionality should be the storage capacity of the monetary value and its expense. Otherwise, there is no storage point if it cannot be used. For this reason, we have been the first to build the banking platform.
PayPro can support most forms of crypto currency. Using Ethereum will allow users to keep at least 100 major currencies per transaction volume per day. Of course, PayPro Token can be easily exchanged with any other currency. So far. We have developed an iOS application that allows us to store BTC, but this is just a test of what we have done for the purpose of the user experience.
The market
After the portfolio has been built, we will start operating in the decentralized Financial Marketplace. Decentralization must be carried out at two different levels;
On the one hand, our market will develop on Ethereum as a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO).
On the other hand, PayPro will not offer you any services or be creating a portfolio of services. Instead, we invite any financial dApp to offer its capabilities without a selection process. Therefore, our approach is to create an environment in which all dApps will compete to become the user's provider for each service.

Name PayPro Token
PYP symbol
Pre-sale period from 8 to 15 January 2017
Pre-sale conditions Minimum investment of 15 ETH
Presale bonus of up to 35% bonus
Main Sales Period January 15 to January 31
Main conditions of sale Minimum investment of 0,5 ETH
Principal sales bonus 1st 24 hours 20%.
1st week 15
2nd week 10% 10
Exchange rate 1 CPD: 500 PYP
Limits 20,000 ETH (Hard Cap) or EUR 5,000,000.00
depending on the exchange rate.
Coins accepted ETH only
Benefits of the holder of cards Decision and economic rights.
Token sold 40%.
Nationality Any person other than Singapore, Estonia and the Republic of Korea.
U. S. due to legal restrictions or countries sanctioned by the United States.
Why an ICO?
Because we truly believe that PayPro has been made as a global change, we also believe that it must be developed by the global community for a number of reasons:
In the first instance, as a first decentralized application it is natural for us that its design comes from the community. While our organization is going to be its biggest promoter, we are also waiting for community support in terms of funding.
Secondly, we will face an important challenge in a number of areas such as technological development, payment infrastructures, strategic planning, monitoring... and so on.
so considerable funding is needed to achieve our goals.
Finally, PayPro Token (PYP) is the heart of our network. PYPs are the primary cryptographic currency of this network and will also be used to deal with its partners as well as to collect all available services within the network.
The Team:
Pablo Ruiz CEO - No. 2 company start-up
Gabriel Llambias - Chief Financial Officer, COO - Blockchain geek
Enric Giribet - CTO - Blockchain Expert
David Murray - MBA Class Advisor @IE Business School
Luis Font
BTT : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1103736
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