Eristica is a P2P platform for challenges. Challenges are proved with videos.
Viral content with smart contracts which guarantees fair plays and transparency
What we have for you
✔ A FunTech video platform for challenges with 1.2+M user base
✔ 2+ years of Growth Hack development
✔ Average time per session of 13 mins
✔ Support from the #1 early-stage investor in the world: SOSV
✔ Support from McKinsey, Winter Capital and a group of private pre-ICO investors
✔ Mentorship from industry superstars
✔ Agreements for monthly pre-installs on smartphones in Asia
What we strive to accomplish
- An ecosystem where users challenge each other transparently through smartcontracts.
- Decentralised oracle system where anyone can bet and challenge participants withan aim of winning tokens for every successful prediction.-A platform with integrated third party services and products based on theblockchain technology.
- Online challenges for e-sport competitions for games built on Unity and Unreal
- Engines with help of the Eristica Game API.
- User friendly in-app interface for purchase and sale of tokens at current marketprice without dealing directly with exchanges.
- New types of challenges: one-vs-many and many-vs-many.Eristica key feature is the ability to challenge any person in the world to do anything using cryptocurrency. The benefit of this technology is blockchain — it prevents users from fraud and disputable situations. In case of fake video or an opportunistic opponent, community becomes the legitimate judgement system which 100% decentralized. Eristica is 2G optimised, it means small app size, small data usage and optimised for emerging market phones (<7Mb app size).

Eristica network token(ERT)
The Eristica Token (ticker: ERT) is a vital part of the Eristica network. The ERT will enable
users to participate in bets even with celebrities, get rewards for winning challenges, make
money off successful predictions and buy access to platform’s services.
The ERT also operates in decentralized governance which makes it possible for users to have an
influence on solving disputable situations when voting for winners in a challenge.
Contribution period
Start Time: December 7, 2017
End Time: December 29, 2017
Duration: 22 days or immediately when the hard cap is reached.
Hard Cap: $10M

1) Unification. Users of Eristica will be able to create completely different types of tasks, including competitions in online games, offline bets, as well as mass competitions, which is a unique advantage of the project. Another great feature of the platform is the freedom provided to users when it comes to choosing the number of participants and participants. There can be competitions "one-against-one", "one-against-many" and "mass".
2) Benefits. Financial indicators and fees in the industry of rates and calls are uneven, and sometimes the discrepancy can be exorbitant. Bets usually apply to bookmakers or intermediary firms, which means that fees can increase to 20%. For example, platforms with problems among young people charge a fee of 10%, while online tournaments and eSports competitions charge 5-10%. Nevertheless, Eristica sets a single rate for all types of bets, calls and competitions, which is 3%. This will inevitably become the standard in the industry and will create a flow of customers from more expensive platforms.
3) Synergy. Eristica will also create a platform where different types of people can interact with each other, thus creating synergy in this process. A young man who, perhaps never before, was engaged in crypto currency, will have an opportunity to try products and services in the crypto industry. This will create a new influx of users and accelerate the process of introducing crypto currency into the masses.
4) Community. Demographics of a young audience is one of the attractive aspects of the Eristica project. About 64% of 1.2 million users are young people aged 13 to 24 years. Active users register in the application on average 4 times. What is surprising is that the average session time is 13 minutes, which is quite high in the industry.
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