In the early days of gaming, no one could have predicted the video-game industry’s multi-billion dollar trajectory. Innovators evolved pixelated sidescrollers into digital odysseys through immersive lands. Design tools and development resources streamlined game-construction, and more games exist today than ever before.
Unfortunately, this wake of evolution catalyzed several issues within the industry. Specifically in mobile gaming, centralized platforms like the App and Google Play store monopolize the lionshare of the market’s audience. Apart from outlier exceptions, mobile games outside these exchanges struggle to gather a user base.
Within these overpopulated platforms, Indie developers lack the budget to compete with the corporate colossus. Design costs and marketing campaigns necessary to launch a successful game often preclude developers from delivering their visions; ideas fail despite their merit.
While gamers may not struggle to find games to play, their role in the market goes unrewarded. Companies rely on players for beta-testing, customer acquisition, and game curation. But, they rarely share rewards beyond in-app upgrades or early access to anticipated content. And though users are the obvious audience for games their desires rarely feel felt in the blueprinting stage of development; companies design game concepts without ground floor feedback from their future player-base. This leads to unwanted creations and frustrating features.
1.2 Mission Statement Game Loot Network
will champion developers and gamers by creating a virtual platform that rewards players with real-value and facilitates ‘any-budget’ game design.
1.3 Our Philosophy
We want to give artists the resources to create the games they envision and reward the players who populate their virtual worlds.
Game Loot Network will democratize the gaming experience, enabling developers to create and prosper regardless of gatekeepers or budget constraints. We want to give gamers a voice at the earliest stages of design so the games built are the ones people want to play.
Video-games offer rich narratives and interactive experiences unrivaled by any other medium. The space breeds creativity and innovation, but budgetary limitations, overbearing publishers, and marketing resources pigeonhole creatives. We want to transform the industry into a meritocracy where visionaries thrive even if they, at first, lack extensive budgets
Gaming Reimagined: The Platform
Together with the native LOOT cryptocurrency, the platform solves the systemic issues within the gaming industry. Users enter the application, create a login, and load the Game Loot Network™ lobby. The hub features three gateways
Through this portal developers and users access a crowdfunding catalog. Indie designers submit their game ideas to a list within this screen. Their proposal page might include screenshots, demos, or gameplay footage. Users offer LOOT tokens to sponsor auspicious projects. In exchange for their cryptocoins, backers receive a revenue generating percentage of the upcoming game. Developers reduce costs and gain an incentivized ground floor following. A decentralized collective thereby produces games through democratic demand. If an idea merits engagement it will be realized; creatives will thrive unburdened by budget constraints
- Play
This doorway will host a decentralized app store and embedded games. Users can play within the platform or download curated titles. In a self-sustaining loop, ideas produced in the Build portal generate income for gamers and designers in the Play gateway.
- Earn
The Earn gate offers an array of revenue generating tools. Through this door, players can enter three subset doorways: Competitive Tournaments
— Tourney champions receive sleek electronics or LOOT token prize pools. Now any user can experience the thrill of high-stakes E-Sports. Referral System
— An extensive progression system allows members to create high-yield residual commissions for sharing the platform. Battle Bidding
— Online auctions pit players against the clock in competition for discounted gear. LOOT Store
— Purchase premium membership, credits, bids
Game Loot Network foresees this template accommodating infinite expansion. As gaming technology creates new formats, such as VR, additional doorways will be added. A gateway for VR interactions has already been planned. Fresh features, based on community input, will always be in the works.
User Demographics and Types of Membership
- Game Developers
Designers who construct games with the resources provided by the Build portal. Developers may also integrate existing games with the platform.
- Sightseers
Free players are designated as ‘Sightseers’ in Game Loot Network™. They can play games for free, but they cannot enter tournaments, compete for real-life prizes OR earn
- Emissaries
Groundbreakers enrolled in the referral system become Emissaries.
- Groundbreakers
These are the premium network members. They gain entry into tournaments, crowdfund games for revenue, and produce recurring income.
- Curators
Curators are Groundbreakers or Emissaries who submit LOOT to game designer’s indevelopment games. They are later reimbursed with recurring revenue based on that title’s success.
Game Loot Network’s Utility-Token: LOOT
Cryptocurrencies are digital coins which can be exchanged for fiat, or any currency issued by respective governments. Cryptocoins allow entities, like GLN, to pay a global audience instantaneously without combatting the fees and time involved in currency exchange.
In order to reward user engagement, Game Loot Network™ created their own utility-token, ‘LOOT’. The currency allows specific interactions on the Network to trigger cryptocoin allotments. The blockchain’s network tracks these engagements and rewards LOOT to users who complete meritorious actions such as winning a gaming tournament or inviting a friend.
GLN’s Other Digital Units
In addition to LOOT, there are four other units available on the platform. These, however, are not cryptocurrencies and cannot be exchanged anywhere other than Game Loot Network
- Credits
Groundbreakers receive a monthly endowment of ‘Credits’. These can be used to purchase in-game boosts and enter tournaments. Credits can also be swapped for Bids.
- Tickets
Tickets are vouchers obtained from winning tournaments. These units can be exchanged for real-world prizes
- Bids
Bids can be obtained with LOOT and with Credits. With these units, players can Battle Bid for heavily discounted electronics.
- Premium Bids
Premium bids are used to enter auctions for bundles of discounted LOOT.
The platform will rival and innovate upon centralized systems like the Steam and App store. The cornerstone of the application will be the interaction between the Build and Play portal.
The LOOT cryptocurrency underpins each platform resource and allows virtual achievements to have real-life consequences. As larger, more complex games are constructed in the Build portal and downloaded through the Play doorway, third-party worlds will interact with and use the LOOT token to incentivize their economies. LOOT will unite thousands of virtual worlds in unforeseen ways with Game Loot Network™ as the main hub. Third-party communities could use LOOT to offer their own competitive tournaments or give in-game items real-world value
Game Loot Network will be the one stop shop for all of gaming: play, purchase, and design. Worldbuilding and charm of character sets GLN apart from bland amalgams of resources; it represents an ever expandable revolution.
February 2018
The utility token, ‘LOOT’, becomes the gaming cryptocurrency of LOOT Land.
March 1st, 2018
Game Loot Network™ launches the PRIVATE SALE for their global ICO to accredited investors.
May 29th, 2018
Game Loot Network™ launches the PUBLIC SALE for their global ICO.
August 1st, 2018
GLN’s 1.0, a virtual world built on the blockchain, is released. Players can travel to locations within the fantasy environment and interact with revolutionary game features. Games are available within the platform for download. Cryptocurrency combined with smart contracts allow for real-life rewards.
September 1st, 2018
The platform’s arcade region, Arcade Town, hosts embedded games and competitive tournaments. Tourney victors receive real-world prizes.
October 1st,
2018 GLN’s Battle Bidding Arena open, hosts embedded games and competitive tournaments. Tourney victors receive real-world prizes.
November 1st, 2018
The Game Forge opens and will feature a list of game projects submitted by developers. Users can select from any of these projects and submit their LOOT tokens to provide developers with a design and marketing budget. When monetized, those games will generate recurring revenue for the developers and any user who submitted tokens.
February 1st, 2019
GLN’s Battle Bidding Arena undergoes beta testing with Crowd Machine to transition to a decentralized battle bidding platform. Expected launch in the second quarter of 2019.
2019 Throughout 2019,
a huge emphasis will be placed on growing the developer community and the user community. This emphasis will include global outreach to the independent game developer community and large scale promotions for the user community to grow their social networks inside the LOOT Land ecosystem
2020 Q1
Arcade Town’s decentralized Game Store undergoes beta testing with Crowd Machine.
2020 Q3
GLN’s virtual blockchain world becomes a decentralized mecca for game developers and players. Blockbuster titles are built in The Game Forge and released through Arcade Town. Users purchase and download games with LOOT tokens and the revenue splits between the original sponsors and game de
GLN’s virtual blockchain world expands to incorporate new towns with fresh features. Developers circumvent publishing gatekeepers and release fully-funded games to Arcade Town’s incentivized audience. VR and AR additions are implemented so users can truly live, win, earn, and play.
An array of smash hit games are produced in The Game Forge and purchased through Arcade Town. Titles offer competitive play with LOOT token prize pools, achievements reward LOOT, and the LOOT Land cryptocurrency underpins a vast network of third-party economies
Token Sale Structure
The Token Sale will use a soft and hard cap, with an anti-dilution mechanism available to those that contribute under the soft cap. This means that an original Sales Target Cap (STC, or Soft Receipts Cap) will be set for the private and public sale. However, if the STC is met, Game Loot Network™ will allow an additional sale of tokens up until the Maximum Sales Target Cap (MST or Hard Receipts Cap) is reached.
Purchasers that contributed under the STC shall then be provided LOOT bonuses pro rata to the level of their contribution under the STC (anti-dilution bonus). This is done to provide certainty to the early purchasers of LOOT as to their proportion of contribution.
The STC is $50,000,020.00 and the MSTC is $75,000,030.00.
Token name LOOT
Holding company GLN Holdings, INC. (WY, USA)
SAFT Entity Loot Cove Co., LLC. (WY, USA)
Public token sale entity Loot Cove Co. LTD (Mauritius)
LOOT price USD $0.35 [or equivalent in ether]
Sales target CAP (STC) US$ 50,000,000.00
Maximum sales target (MST) US$ 75,000,000.00
Total LOOT supply 600,000,000 LOOT
Token supply model Fixed CAP, non-inflationary
Public sale duration opens May 29, 2018 Public sale
duration 230 days
USD Allocation Type Discount Bonus Equivalent Time available CAP $ 5mm Private Sale SAFT (1) 66.67% off Buy 1, ~2.00 Free Mar 1, 2018 thru Apr 15, 2018 (46 days) 10% of STC $ 15mm Private Sale SAFT (2 50.00% off Buy 1, ~1.00 Free Apr 16, 2018 thru May 3, 2018 (18 days) 30% of STC $ 30mm Private Sale SAFT (3) 25.00% off Buy 1, ~0.33 Free May 4, 2018 thru May 21, 2018 (18 days) 60% of STC
Type Bonus Equivalent Time Available Public Sale (1) Buy 1, Get 0.25 Free May 29, 2018 UTC 0:00 for 2 days Public Sale (2) Buy 1, Get~0.17 Free May 31, 2018 UTC 0:00 for 4 days Public Sale (3) B uy 1, Get~0.11 Free June 4, 2018 UTC 0:00 for 6 days Public Sale (4) Buy 1, Get~0.05 Free June 10, 2018 UTC 0:00 for 8 days Public Sale (5) No Discount June 18, 2018 UTC 0:00 for 10 days Break Jun 28, 2018 thru Jul 11, 2018 (14 days) Type Period Price Time Period Blind Auction Sale 290,000 LOOTs per day + unclaimed tokens during public sale divided equally between 200 daily periods. Daily Sale Periods lasting for 20 hours each day from 0:00 UTC to 20:00 UTC, with a fixed alloca-tion of tokens. Market Discovery Jul 12, 2018 to January 28, 2019 for 200 days
Date Token released/purchaser EQUIV. USD CUMM. July 6, 2018 300, 000 LOOT US$ 105k August 6, 2018 600, 000 LOOT US$ 210k US$ 315k September 6, 2018 1, 200, 000 LOOT US$ 420k US$ 735MM November 6, 2018 2, 400, 000 LOOT US$ 840k US$ 1.575MM December 6, 2018 4, 800, 000 LOOT US$ 1.68MM US$ 3.255MM January 6, 2019 19, 200, 000 LOOT US$ 3.36MM US$ 6.615MM February 6, 2019 38, 400, 000 LOOT US$ 6.72MM US$ 13.355MM March 6, 2019 Balance of LOOT US$ 13.44MM US$ 26.775MM I
8.1 Distribution of Proceeds PURPOSE: COMMERCIALIZATION - sales - marketing - community building - support Founders, advisors, service providers, bounties Provision for taxation Operational 55% 20% 15% 10% Most of the revenue from the token sale will be consumed in operational expenses, service support, and development. Game Loot Network™ allocates a portion to tax planning for new corporate structures, employment taxes from overseas personnel and the like. We expect the SAFT contribution monies to be used mostly in marketing, community building, training, development, and sales. A portion of the monies are kept to pay bonuses to the founders, advisors, service providers, and bounty service providers following the close of the Token Sale. These distributions are either going to be in USD, BTC or ETH. GLN may also offer an option to buy tokens following the LOOT Token Sale
Token Storage and Risks LOOT may be stored in a wallet or vault, which can only be accessed with a password selected by the purchaser. The wallet will hold a private key required to control the stored LOOT. The loss of the private key associated with this digital wallet or vault storing LOOT, will result in the loss of LOOT. Users are advised to store their password in one or more backup locations. Any third party that gains access to the purchaser’s private key may be able to gain access to their LOOT. Users must take care not to respond to any inquiry regarding a purchase of LOOT. The purchase of LOOT should only be undertaken by individuals or entities that have significant experience with the usage and intricacies of cryptographic tokens, like Bitcoin (BTC) and Ether (ETH). Purchaser should have functional understanding of storage and transmission mechanisms associated with other cryptographic tokens. While Game Loot Network™ may be available to assist in the purchase of LOOT during and after the sale, in no way is GLN offering advice and will not be responsible for lost BTC, ETH, LOOT or fiat resulting from actions taken by, or omitted by the Purchaser
The Team
- LANCE BAKER President & Founder
Lance Baker is the founder, architect and President of Game Loot Network™. His expertise in “all things” technology dates back to the early days of the internet where he launched one of the first e-based tax services. His experiences as a serial entrepreneur led him across Europe, the Middle East and around the world. During this time, he assembled an incredible team of talented developers and designers to serve as the backbone of the GLN vision. An early observer of the mobile game frenzy, Lance penned his first book, Game LOOT: Grab Your Piece of the Mobile Gaming Revolution, which taught fellow entrepreneurs to capitalize on the lucrative space. His vision to innovate the multi-billion-dollar gaming industry orients the team and promises future success
- DOUGLAS A. KINNEY Chief Executive Officer
Doug Kinney earned a Bachelor of Science degree in business administration with an emphasis in accounting from Central Missouri State University. Most recently, Doug served as the Presiding Manager & CEO of VinSolutions, LLC. Through his determined leadership and market vision, he guided the company to prodigious growth which culminated in a monumental acquisition by AutoTrader.com of Atlanta, Georgia. He was responsible for managing the company’s business affairs, as well as directing its financial interests. Currently, Doug owns several luxury automobile dealerships in the Greater Kansas City Metropolitan Area and is the Owner/Founder of a successful investment firm. Doug boasts an intimate knowledge of financial operations and brings that wisdom to Game Loot Network™
Pat Baggette earned a Bachelor of Science in accounting from Auburn University. He went on to earn his J.D. from the University of Missouri-Kansas City, School of Law. Pat was an early addition to the VinSolutions, LLC executive team and served as Chief Financial Officer and General Counsel. He was also named as a member of the governing board and led the efforts of the administrative team during the run up to acquisition by AutoTrader.com. In addition to his guidance at VinSolutions, LLC, Pat has been a member of three companies which have been recognized, several in succession, on the INC 500/5000 listing of Fastest Growing Companies Pat is responsible for all corporate accounting and tax functions. In addition to managing the financial aspects of Game Loot Network™, he handles all legal and contract issues pertaining to company operations. Pat began his career in public accounting nearly 35 years ago, moving into the legal profession 10 years later. He has managed his own law firm for 25 years. Pat has gained immense experience working as CFO and General Counsel in the fields of eCommerce, manufacturing and retail
- SCOTT SIMPSON Chief Strategy Officer
Scott co-founded bitHeads, inc. in 1995 and serves as its President and CEO. He has been involved in the field of Information Technology for over 25 years and has a wealth of experience in software development, computer security and telecommunications. Since co-founding bitHeads, Scott has guided the company to become one of the most successful custom app and enterprise development companies in North America. Under his leadership, the company has developed a unique mix of capabilities spanning mobile, gaming, and IoT software. Scott also co-founded bitHeads’ spinoff companies, playBrains and brainCloud. playBrains has released more than a dozen for-hire and own-IP games for iOS, Android, Steam/PC and Microsoft and Sony consoles. brainCloud is a backend-as-a-service for apps, games and things, and has over 2,000 developers creating applications on the platform which is used by hundreds of thousands of users daily. Scott has served on several public and private boards, and actively donates time to startups and Ottawa’s tech and gaming communities.
- RICK MCMULLIN Chief Technical Officer
Rick co-founded bitHeads in 1995 and serves as its Vice President and CTO. Rick is a Senior Architect at bitHeads and has served as CTO of Natural Convergence, a bitHead’s spinout. He has been involved in the field of Information Technology for 20 years with experience in software development, documentation and training. He served as a Software Architect on Bell-Northern Research’s Generic Services Framework project, the largest object-oriented project in the world at the time. He has worked with companies such as 3Com, Fulcrum, Nortel, ObjectTime, Bell Sygma, Rational and Telus. Rick holds an Honours Bachelor of Computer Science from the University of Windsor. Rick has expertise in the architecture and development of large-scale server, middleware and cloud platforms for gaming, mobile and enterprise applications. Rick presently oversees special projects at bitHeads and currently manages bitHeads’ IoT practice.
- PAUL WINTERHALDER Chief Development Officer
Paul co-founded bitHeads in 1995 and has overall management responsibility for bitHeads gaming and entertainment products. Paul is also the CDO and co-founder of brainCloud, a backend-as-a-service platform for games, gamified apps and IoT applications. Paul holds a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science Degree (Honours) from the University of New Brunswick. Paul has been leading application and gaming projects for over 20 years in the roles of senior architect, senior producer and project manager and is particularly interested in the space where technology and user experience meet–from building innovative new gaming experiences to creating elegant apps with robust cloud support. He has been a key architect using agile development methodology and has successfully managed teams of over 100 people on large-scale development projects providing strategic guidance to companies such as EA, 3Com, Cryptologic, Nortel Networks, Canada Post, GE and IBM.
- HAYD SNAPE Chief Marketing Officer
Haydn is a serial entrepreneur and Digital Marketing specialist with a degree in Economics. Over the last decade he has delivered strategic business and marketing solutions in a variety of areas, including politics, financial services and technology. He has had the chance to work with companies large and small, including the likes of HSBC, Barclays, JP Morgan and Thomson Reuters. Over the last 12 months he’s focused intensively on Blockchain technology and in particular providing marketing solutions for ICO’s. He’s currently the CMO of Game Loot Network™ and excited to help an amazing team continue their fast growth in disrupting the Gaming industry and with their imminent launch of a record-breaking ICO in March 2018. As an individual and as an entrepreneur, he looks to get involved with people who share his passion for marketing and technology. He is interested in products and services that look to positively impact people, or promote curiosity, education, inclusion, and other aspects of social and civil progress.
- CAMDEN DORE Ecosystem Economics Advisor
Camden is an early bitcoin enthusiast and entrepreneur with experience in hospitality, industry, financial markets, real estate and many other business ventures. Camden specializes in economic advisory, financial modeling and business model modification for Sutton Stone’s clients. The praxeological method, an essential element to understanding trends and mechanisms at play in the cryptocurrency markets, is what Camden applies by meticulous and deductive reasoning to attain a sound, practical way of doing business in this rapidly evolving economic construct. Camden believes those companies that better adopt the trend of decentralization will be at the forefront of their respective industries
- JAMES DUCHENNE Blockchain & Tokenized Business Advisor
James is an Australian attorney, engineer and a financial architect but, above all, he thinks like an entrepreneur. James holds degrees in Aeronautical Engineering & Law, graduate diplomas & certificates in applied finance & investments, digital currency applications, and carbon credit auditing & trading. He is a counsel at Rothmores Lawyers, acts as an agent for Phoenix Beverages Limited in the USA, serves on the board of 21 Capital and the Texas Coinitiative, and also guides various companies as a senior executive. He is also the Honorary Representative in the USA, Board of Investment – Republic of Mauritius. James is passionate about what he does and has worked in various fields, from bitcoin and decentralized consensus systems, technology, mineral mining, waste management, property, logistics, marketing, loyalty & engagement products to capital investments
- ADAM RICHARD Director of Global Blockchain Development
Adam has a broad spectrum of experience. He is co-founder & partner of Sutton Stone, co-founder of Volt Markets (Boost VC and Plug & Play alumnus), founder of the Houston Bitcoin Meetup, and co-founder of the Houston Ethereum Meetup. Adam has been a CTO, CPO, software project manager, startup advisor/mentor, branding manager, web developer, UX & UI designer, graphic designer, and photographer. For the past 3 years Adam has been advising blockchain companies on how to achieve success and commercialize their products.
The LOOT token acts as the utile cryptocurrency of a vibrant ecosystem. Its use-cases undergird every aspect of the GLN economy. Gamers will purchase in-game upgrades, developers will fund passion projects, and crypto enthusiasts can hold a token with actual utility
Game Loot Network’s™ vision manifests in more than words on paper; it ventures past an idea on a roadmap. GLN offers a working product, playable games on their platform, and has undergone extensive beta-testing. Now with the introduction of cryptocurrency, LOOT positions to disrupt and forever alter the gaming industry.
For more information, Please visit
Website: https://gamelootnetwork.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/gamelootnetwork
Telegram: https://t.me/gamelootnetwork_ico
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