When we were children, we all studied in the lower grades, that Man is a social animal and cannot live without society. Working on this concept, our parents and there parents, as well as parents and our previous generations, tried there best to give the best that they have there, children, because I mean good food, good clothes, good home for life , good so that children can live in a society created by a person comfortable and respectful.
This thought of a comfortable and respected life was handed down from generation to generation just as it was started, but we ever thought how much suffering and problems went through to give us what is respectful about what they dreamed of The answer is simple: why? because, like our parents, we are also busy so that our future generations can live in their lives. It looks like a bike chain that goes up and down is an endless race that no one can beat.
Now the question that should come to mind is: why not win in this race?
The answer is quite simple, we are all trained to sell our time and knowledge for money. So this is called money for a temporary trap.
where a person sells his knowledge and time to earn money for a family to survive. Look at a few of these questions and answer yourself:
When was the last time you had a family dinner?
When was the last time you had a family picnic?
When was the last time you had lunch or dinner at an expensive restaurant?
When was the last time you went shopping with your family with the Tag Free store (shoppping, without looking at the price tags)?
There are many other examples, but we are the least worried about them, since we don’t have enough money, but they have plenty of time.
While the opposite is another category in which people have a lot of money or rather talk about wealth, but don’t have time to spend it, they don’t have time to meet Time and Money with the expensive ones. Despite this, they want to be with friends and Families, but they could not do it due to lack of time.
The beauty of nature lies in the fact that eveyone on this planet, no matter how rich or how well a person does it, we are all blessed 24 hours a day, who again accrue in each person's life the next day.
Being rich does not mean that a person gets an hour or two extra in life.
In short, the world is full of people who are stuck there, somewhere else, and, despite the fact that they can not move when they are stuck in time, and money or money and time traps.
Scott. Miller
Thanks to the 21st century and Blockchain technologies that help us overcome from now on and divide money.
How ........... Simple!
MYCRO- Time & Money Equalizer
Mycro will create an innovative solution for people with time and money problems and determine the imbalance between time and
Money. In addition, it will play an important role in a decentralized peer-to-peer network through a mobile application that is easy to use. Simple tasks on a short-term basis can be sent free to the mycro network. Thus, helping a person find the right job. Therefore, one person gets time, other money.

How will Mycro help you find a job?
Mycro relies on a special sorting function. Both the employee and the service provider can indicate their preferences and rank them by importance. Thank you to the Intelligent Self-Learning Algorithm, which will sort the available job offers, taking into account the pre-selected preferences, work history and ratings resulting from this. The employer finds all individually sorted job offers in the Mobile Application. All of this is based on a user manual or user surface, which is comparable to networks such as Tinder. The employer just has to
Wipes to view job offers and find a suitable offer. Tasks are sorted in descending order depending on the level of compatibility.
How does the payment system work between the labor supplier and the employee?
If the task is agreed between the labor supplier and a dozen, both will receive a personal QR code. The start of the task is indicated
service provider viewing QR code jobber. If both parties have decided to pay using cryptocurrency, at this stage the agreed amount will be sent directly to the escrow contract. Money will be
in trust management under the escrow agreement during the performance of the assignment (escrow). Neither the service provider nor the worker has access rights to the money. In order to complete the work, the employee scans the QR-code of the service provider, and the smart contract will take care of the money of the merchant.
In exchange for obtaining the required tasks, Mycro users simply pay 2% for using the full decentralized version of Mycro, which is 28% less than other networks available on the market today.
Types of jobs
The Mycro Mobile application would be useful for finding work in the following categories:
The mobile application will be available for both Android and IOS version.
The control panel will have an easy-to-use interface and can only be accessed through a mobile phone for publishing as well as for searching for work.
Mycro network
In general, the mycro network includes the following components, which made it one of the best decentralized networks for maintaining the equillibrium balance of time and money.
These components are as follows:
Market potential
According to a study by McKinsey
The percentage of freelance workers in the United States is usually 30% or more. while some time ago the Union of Freelancers and Upwork published a study that showed that 35% of the US workforce is already leading either
part-time or full-time, and it is estimated that with an increase in the number of digital technologies and liberalization, this percentage of 30% of freelance workers can also be achieved in other regions.
Token design and function:
Token distribution:
Road map
In Nutsell: The concept of the project is to provide free time and extra money to people so that they can work in accordance with the desire and spend more time on what is near and thunderstorms, and not spend more than half the life. Coins that only basic needs can handle.