Saturday, May 18, 2019

Migranet : Global Immigration Powered by AI & Blockchain

Hello friends all are still with me Budiman. This time I will provide information about a project that is very interesting for you to know in a new cryptocurrency named MIGRANET. Before heading to the discussion, I think we all agree that blockchain technology still requires efforts that encourage adoption to continue to grow and continue to grow in the future.


Have you ever think of migrating to another country or region? Have you ever been scammed by an agent or third-party in the course of migrating to another location? Have you ever think of migrating at a lower cost? If yes I think the savior we have all been waiting and eager to see has come. A new blockchain platform that will deliver all migrant from scam and free all migrants from stress encountered during migration has comes. The name of this platform is MIGRANET.

Blockchain technology as we have all known is a latest and best technology recently in all sector have adopted its use and recorded a positive growth. It is this same technology MIGRANET has decided to use to liberate the migrant from all the scammers and third-party rendering a scam services to people and travelers around the globe. People always believe it’s not easy and as well not possible to travel and do documentation on their own which this believes has led them to the services of third-party agents who are either scammers or incompetent.

A lot have been lost to scammers all in the name of migrating from one region to another. Some third-party services have duped their customer’s huge amount of money which can never be recovered. This is why I believed MIGRANET platform is the savior the people have been waiting for because it has come with an advanced features to revolutionize the whole migration industries and likewise imp[rove migration processes.

Whenever I remembered what happened to me some years back I always felt bad because of the huge amount of money I lost to third-party services all in the name of processing and documentation in which at the end of the day none of the documents provided was valid and up till today the agent was nowhere to be found. If only I have known MIGRANET platform by that time I believed my problems would have been averted.


As the MIGRANET platform has observed the whole migration process is broken and it’s truly need to be fixed which is definitely true and I believed if all the problems listed above would ever be solved and avoided then travelers and migrants needs to start considering MIGRANET platform which is a blockchain based platform. One good thing about a blockchain based platform is that users and members always have full freedom, access and controls unlike their counterpart that didn’t base on blockchain network.

MIGRANET platform has introduced different features and services to be rendered to its users and customers to make migration easy for all and sundry. Part of the new features is the introduction of free assessment by the expert in the platform to weighed different options available for the migrants.

Migrant’s documents and personal details are highly secured on the blockchain network against what we do experience on the other platform out there. Security of migrant’s documents and personal details is one of the priority of MIGRANET platform in which I believed every migrants will be happy to hear about the safety of their documents.

MIGRANET platform charges little to no fees for the whole migration and documentation process unlike what is been experienced in the other migration platform. MIGRANET has decided to cut down the whole migration fees by 90% of what others charges in which I believed migrants will also be happy about the reduction.


MIGRANET provides high level of transparency in the whole migration and documentation processes and migrants will have full access details of the migration and how it’s been done. The use of blockchain smart contracts by MIGRANET platform will definitely protect the migrants from all form of scams and malpractices.

MIGRANET has also launched its own token which is to be used as payment fees in the platform. All what migrants need to do is just to get a hold of MIGRANET token and use it to pay for the processing fees. More information about the token and its sales will be summarized below

  • Token Symbol => MIG
  • Blockchain Network => ERC20
  • Token Supply => 850,000,000 MIG
  • Circulating Supply => 510,000,000 MIG
  • Soft-Cap => $20,000,000
  • Hard-Cap => $75,000,000


  • 60% Allocated to Public Sales
  • 30% Allocated to Reserve
  • 5.5% Allocated to Team
  • 2.5% Allocated to Advisors
  • 2% Allocated to Bounty

  • 30% Allocated to Platform Development
  • 21% Allocated to Recruitment & Compensation
  • 18% Allocated to Marketing, Media and Events
  • 17% Allocated to Reserve
  • 10% Allocated to Admin, Security & Audit
  • 4% Allocated to Legal



Based on the data and facts seen, MIGRANET is very good for review and investment. This is based on reality for now, many projects are not good, and makes everyone who invests a lot of questions about their certainty and truth, so if you want to invest in this project, you should read all about the article I made, so you can find out more about this MIGRANET project from them.

Here are the reviews I present to you all in finding information and knowing the MIGRANET project currently being run by their team, if there is any lack of explaining this article, do not worry, I have set up a link for you to get accurate information. information and of course you will be able to speak directly with their founder or team, at the link.

For more information and join MIGRANET social media today please follow these resources:
unser name:;u=1729694   
ETH: 0x472d1DdfFB017E9EBBB4B6d0d4e1296Af14bD703

FidelitySuite - Generasi baru Program Loyalitas berdasarkan blockchain

Setiap hari di seluruh dunia membuka sejumlah besar toko yang siap menawarkan kepada kami beberapa produk untuk rumah, tubuh, interior, makanan, pakaian, atau bahkan bahan bangunan biasa. Masing-masing toko ini dapat memiliki ukuran yang sepenuhnya berbeda, baik pribadi atau jaringan. Esensi mereka tidak berubah, karena semua yang mereka inginkan adalah memberi manfaat bagi pelanggan mereka. Untuk ini, mereka menawarkan berbagai diskon dan promosi, dan kadang-kadang bahkan program loyalitas terpisah, yang hanya tersedia untuk pengguna dengan kartu.


Ini tentu baik, karena masing-masing sistem loyalitas ditujukan untuk manfaat tambahan bagi pelanggan tertentu. Namun, demi kuantitas sering mulai kehilangan kualitas, belum lagi terburu-buru kartu gila dan sejenisnya ke arah toko-toko. Satu-satunya hal yang dihadapi pengguna sekarang adalah sejumlah besar kartu, yang bukannya kelebihan dan kelebihannya memberi pengguna lebih banyak masalah dan ketidaknyamanan.

Sejujurnya, saya sendiri kadang-kadang adalah pelanggan yang paling tidak puas yang, demi keterbatasan ruang dompet saya, tidak memakai setumpuk kartu ini, yang akibatnya membuat saya sedikit marah dan frustrasi ketika saya memutuskan untuk pergi ke toko tertentu, dan kartu loyalitas dari toko khusus ini terletak pada YA saya, sekarang beberapa pengusaha memiliki kesempatan untuk melacak ketersediaan kartu dengan nomor telepon, tetapi masih memberikan masalah tambahan. Karena lebih dari satu kali saya memiliki situasi yang sama, ketika saya ingat persis kartu apa yang saya miliki di kedai kopi ini dan saya membuat nomor telepon saya di basis pelanggan mereka, tetapi karena suatu alasan gadis di box office dua kali membuat data saya dan tidak ada dalam kartu sistem tidak ditemukan.Akibatnya, itu berdampak negatif pada sikap saya terhadap kafe ini dan pada suasana hati saya di masa depan.

Dan ada ribuan contoh, dan bahkan lebih percayalah. Itulah sebabnya para spesialis dari proyek hari ini tanpa ragu-ragu memutuskan untuk mengembangkan sebuah platform yang melaluinya akan mungkin untuk menyelesaikan semua masalah mendesak dari usaha kecil menengah dan besar, menawarkan kepada pelanggannya alat baru untuk berinteraksi.

Tentang proyek

Proyek yang menarik perhatian saya disebut The Suite. Tujuan utama dari proyek ini adalah untuk menggunakan semua program loyalitas yang ada untuk pelanggan di satu tempat, yaitu, dalam satu jaringan yang didesentralisasi. Di mana setiap pengguna tidak hanya dapat mengakumulasikan poin, tetapi juga membelanjakannya ke arah yang diinginkannya. Semuanya berjalan cukup sederhana untuk memahami prosesnya, saya sarankan Anda untuk menonton video ini.

Fitur desain

Kami melihat bahwa The Suite adalah aplikasi seluler yang dapat diakses dan sumber daya web yang dengannya pengguna dapat menerima, melihat, menyimpan, dan mengakumulasikan poin loyalitas mereka. Proyek ini berupaya menyederhanakan seluruh lingkungan hubungan antara wirausahawan dan klien yang ada, memberi mereka platform yang transparan dengan semua fungsinya, serta token yang stabil karena semua biaya di bawah program loyalitas akan terjadi.

Selain itu, untuk lebih memelihara dan memperkuat platform itu sendiri, pengembang The Suite bermaksud untuk menghargai investor mereka karena memiliki token mereka dengan mengatur airdrop bulanan. Selain semua ini, para pengembang bermaksud untuk mendistribusikan sejumlah koin mereka di antara toko-toko yang terhubung ke jaringan Suite dan perusahaan secara bulanan. Apa yang harus dilakukan secara teratur dan gratis. Apa yang saya pikir sangat menarik dan tidak biasa.

Konsep toko bermanfaat, cabang dan perusahaan lain untuk sistem layanan loyal mereka, yang tidak hanya mampu memenuhi permintaan pelanggan mereka, tetapi juga untuk membuka peluang tambahan bagi mereka, juga bermaksud untuk melengkapi seluruh jajaran layanan. Ini dapat mencakup apa saja, mulai dari sertifikat hadiah hingga layanan medis dan asuransi, biaya parkir, dan banyak hal lain yang berguna untuk kehidupan kita sehari-hari.


Jika kita berbicara tentang manfaat The Suite, mereka cukup banyak. Pertama, platform ini akan membuka akses ke layanan inovatif yang sebelumnya tidak tersedia di pasar program loyalitas tradisional. Kedua, kesederhanaan dan kemudahan penggunaan aplikasi itu sendiri akan berkontribusi pada pengembangan dan adopsi lebih lanjut dari cryptocurrency sendiri sebagai pembayaran untuk layanan tertentu. Ketiga, siapa pun yang menginginkan proyek yang dikembangkan di blockchain akan dapat bergabung dengan The Suite untuk memberikan layanannya kepada pengguna dan memberinya poin tambahan klien. Dan, keempat, The Suite karena sistem hybrid-nya, yang tidak hanya mampu menggabungkan dua token STK dan SCT, tetapi juga untuk memastikan stabilitas mereka di bursa, serta untuk investor dan pengguna crypto lainnya.

Dengan demikian, kami melihat bahwa The Suite mampu menyediakan infrastruktur yang andal dan hemat biaya bagi pelanggan komersial dan penggunanya. 
Rincian ICO

Seperti yang telah Anda perhatikan, dua token akan disajikan pada platform: STK (ini adalah koin resmi proyek, dengan bantuan yang memungkinkan semua konversi dan pertukaran cryptocurrency lainnya akan dilakukan pada STK dan kembali). Dan token SCT kedua (yang dengannya pengguna akan dapat melakukan pembayaran sebagian atau penuh untuk pinjaman, penukaran atau transfer Bank lainnya, dengan menentukan perincian dan akun mereka. Juga mudah untuk memasukkan perolehan setiap kupon dari berbagai toko online, dan banyak hal lainnya). Semua ini Anda akan dapat belajar secara lebih rinci di Buku Putih proyek, jadi saya tidak melihat gunanya sekarang untuk terlalu memperhatikan ini.

Adapun rincian lainnya mengenai token, pendiri secara pribadi menginvestasikan investasi awal dalam pengembangan konsep. Sekarang proyek telah mencapai tahap kedua pengembangan, para pengembang berniat untuk mengumpulkan dana yang diperlukan untuk pengembangan lebih lanjut dan peluncuran sistem Suite melalui penjualan publik. Untuk melakukan ini, mereka siap mengalokasikan 1 miliar koin STK. 

Secara total, akan ada tiga tahap penjualan, masing-masing akan disertai dengan ketentuan partisipasi dan sistem diskon yang tersedia dalam periode waktu tertentu. 

Distribusi token dan dana adalah sebagai berikut:



Sejujurnya, The Suite mungkin adalah salah satu penawaran terbaik belakangan ini. Bagaimanapun, konsepnya mampu melibatkan tidak hanya sejumlah besar toko, kafe, bar, tetapi juga sejumlah organisasi lain yang siap menawarkan kepada kita program loyalitas yang menyenangkan. Yang akan tersedia tidak hanya di satu tempat, tetapi di seluruh dunia. Hari ini, misalnya, Anda mendapatkan poin untuk berbelanja di toko, besok Anda memiliki kesempatan untuk membayar poin yang sama di restoran, kota atau negara lain. Saya pikir ini sangat keren, terutama karena sangat nyaman bahwa semuanya terkonsentrasi di satu tempat dan memiliki sifat terdesentralisasi, yang berarti bahwa kita memiliki akses ke semua operasi, menjadikannya transparan dan aman.

Jadi teman saya yang terkasih, perhatikan lebih dekat konsep proyek ini, pelajarilah dari atas ke bawah, hingga akhirnya bagi diri Anda sendiri itu layak atau tidak. Untuk melakukan ini, saya telah menyiapkan semua sumber daya yang diperlukan di mana Anda dapat menemukan jawaban untuk semua pertanyaan Anda.

Sumber daya resmi proyek The Suite:

unser name:;u=1729694   
ETH: 0x472d1DdfFB017E9EBBB4B6d0d4e1296Af14bD703

Tuesday, April 9, 2019




The world of art is traditionally far from transparent, and it is here that ArtCoin, an investor-oriented team, creates real change for investors. By guiding users through transactions using cryptocurrencies, ArtCoin allows investors to benefit from the increased security and transparency of Smart Contracts platforms.
By putting together information that ordinary investors usually cannot get, ArtCoin democratizes the art market and acts as a direct link between investors and the art industry.

Each artwork has a unique digital print, and thanks to scanning and matching the smallest texture details and storing them in the blockchain, our software effectively turns the artwork into an unsurpassed, thanks to its unprecedented ability to pinpoint fakes, no matter how complex they are.

ArtCoin has consequences that will cover all corners of the art industry. Our authentication protocol is ideal for individual collectors and large organizations. Status reports are simple and faster than ever before, and work can be easily monitored and tracked, the functionality that insurers and logistics companies can depend on. And individual artists can finally get financial benefits from the resale of their art.

With our technology, the art industry has become more transparent than ever. Our blockchain-based platform is built on profiles of works of art that are protected from unauthorized access, cataloging their origin, history and digital fingerprints. Top-level security standards are guaranteed thanks to smart contracts and decentralization.


Tokens are available for $ 0.01, by invitation only.
The sale will last until March 15, 2019
Only initial investors who are in close contact with ArtChain can acquire Stage 1 tokens. These investors are actively involved in the project, and their valuable feedback helped us shape our work. The invitation to the original offer of tokens at the lowest possible price is a reward in gratitude for their contribution.
Tokens go on sale for $ 0.03
Starts in April 2019
This is the lowest possible price for investors who did not participate in the offer for invitation only at the first stage. They will get the most out of their investments, and this is the perfect time to shop in large quantities.
PRE-ICO EARLY BIRD begins in May 2019
Tokens go on sale for $ 0.05
A great middle ground for those investors who prefer ICO to be successful, but do not want to wait for a public sale, because they want to earn higher bonuses
ICO - tokens go on sale at a price of $ 0.10
Starts in September 2019
The general public gains access to tokens during this most published sale. Support is growing, development is moving forward, and we are ready for a large influx of investors. The ArtChain application is running, the first works of art are recorded on the blockchain.
Tokens will be listed on cryptocurrency exchanges after ICO.


SOFTCAP: $ 5,000,000 USD
HARDCAP: 1 00, 000, 000 USD
NUMBEROFTOKENS: 30,000,000,000
P R I K E P E R T O K E N: $ 0.01 per sale
Michael ende
Peter chung
Pablo Yabo
Dan Chun
Sebastian Raul Wayne

ETH: 0x472d1DdfFB017E9EBBB4B6d0d4e1296Af14bD703

Friday, March 29, 2019

MYCRO - Time and Money Equalizer (ICO)

Hasil gambar untuk MYCRO bounty
You've already heard about other important projects and topics, such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, ico, Blockchain, Kryptonite; this time I present to you a wonderful project that you will love. 

MYCRO is an intuitive mobile application to use. Simple short-term work can be done directly in the MYCRO network for free. Using intelligent and self-learning algorithms known from the dating platform, MYCRO matches these tasks on time with the right job seekers. He does the work. A person has time, another money.

Domiciliary services
 Gardening, cleaning, cleaning, clutter, minor repairs, window cleaning, washing, ironing, cooking
Delivery services 

 Make purchases, drive services, transportation services, delivery services
Virtual services 
 Internet research, travel planning, assistance services, office work, online survey
Specialized services 

 Tutoring, photography, model work, piano lessons, computer configuration, TV editing, DJing, waitresses, setting up an Internet connection

Simple works Simple use

 The success of Mycro is significantly based on intuitive usability. The need for job providers and people looking for work must be met quickly and without complications. This happens when you combine the right job offer with the right job seeker. Only after that the two parties achieved their goals. Good job products for job providers.
Fun and tempting job for job seekers. Our mission is to give everyone access to these opportunities, regardless of whether they come from a town in Vietnam, outside Berlin or downtown Manhattan. 
MYCRO wants to solve serious problems in society. Through peer-to-peer networks for a simple job, they give people control over the balance of their time and money. During ICO, a maximum of 100,000,000 MYO will be created. Softbank will be reached at the level of 3.5 million euros. 

How to use the Token Mycro (MYO)

  • Purchase of work Use Mycro Token (MYO) to achieve a better position on the board of the job provider. This allows you to determine the amount of your rate yourself. We call it work purchases.
  • Currency
    It is planned that you can use Mycro tokens (MYO) to pay for work, reliably and safely, using an intelligent escrow agreement. (planned)
  • Reward:
    Receive MYO from the community's reward kit to get good grades after successful jobs and building the Mycro community, controlled by an intelligent contract.

Facts and specifications

  • Symbol: MYO
  • Softcap: € 3,500,000
  • Hardcap: € 14,000,000
  • Token Supply: 100,000,000 MYO
  • Private sale: 26,000,000 MYO
  • Main sale: 40,000,000 MYO
  • Characteristics of Blockchain: Token ERC20
  • Participation method: ETH *
  • Start ICO: Q4 / 2018

Distribution of tokens

Distribution of funds





 We invite you to visit Whiepaper and, if you have any questions, contact the project managers through the Telegram group